April 22, 2016
Herbs That Heal
The leaves and sometimes their leaflets (when they are simple-pinnate) are upward-angled along their rachises (central stalks), while pinnatifid leaflets and subleaflets are either curled, crinkled, or flat. Like the stems, the leaves and their subdivisions often have fine cobwebby hairs. The leaves are sessile.
It is an aromatic, bitter, astringent, choleretic and antibacterial herb. Its antispasmodic activities are used to reduces inflammation, promote perspiration and relieve indigestion. It acts as a diuretic, lowering blood pressure, relaxing spasms and arresting hemorrhage.
It contains pyrrolidine alkaloids (betonicine and stachydrine), flavonoids and volatile principles of b-pinene, camphor, 1,8-cineole, caryophyllene and azulenic compounds.
Therapeutic Uses
Internal Uses:
- Internally, this herb is used for colds, flu and measles, as well as to clear gastric excess mucus and dyspepsia.
- The flowers areused for loss of appetite and mild, spastic problems of the gastrointestinal tract and to protect against strokes and heart attack.
External Uses:
- Externally it can be used as a sitz bath for painful, cramp-like conditions in the lower female pelvis (pelvic autonomic dysfunction).
- It is also used for wounds, nosebleeds, ulcers, inflamed eyes and hemorrhoids.
- In folklore it is held as a superior remedy for wounds and cuts.
Special Uses:
- When you are feeling low, yarrow may just be the reviver you need. It is of great benefit for the circulation and helps with varicose veins, rheumatic pain and neuralgia.
- Yarrow essential oil is particularly beneficial for gynecological problems, including irregular menstruation, painful periods, as well as menopausal problems.
- The digestive system isstimulated, urine production regulated and fever as well as congestion is eased.
- On the skin, it is useful for slow healing wounds, as well as open sores and it has an astringent action on the skin.
- It furthermore is used to simulate hair growth and is also indicated to treat premature baldness.
Parts Used
The whole plant is used, as well as the essential oil.
Known As
Other Names: Millefolium, milfoil, thousand-leaf, gordoloba, thousand- leaf clover, green arrow, soldiers' woundwort, nosebleed, dog daisy, bloodwort, sanguinary, carpenter grass, old-mans pepper, cammock and achillia
Genus and Specie
Achillea millefolium
Safety Precautions and Warnings
- Prolonged use of high concentrations of this herb can cause allergic rashes in some people and make the skin hyper photosensitive.
- The essential oil made from yarrow may cause sensitivity and irritation in some individuals. Prolonged use could cause headaches.