
How can I know if I have HIV?


HIV is the abreviation used for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV attacks the body's immune system. Normally, the immune system produces white blood cells and antibodies that attack viruses and bacteria. The infection fighting cells are called T-cell lymphocytes. Months to years after a person is infected with HIV, the virus destroys all the T-cell lymphocytes. This disables the immune system to defend the body against diseases and tumors. Various infections will be able to develop, these opportunistic infections take advantage of the body's weakened immune system. These infection which normally won't cause severe or fatal health problems will eventually cause the death of the HIV patient.


Some people develop HIV symptoms shortly after being infected. But it usually takes more than 10 years.
There are several stages of HIV disease. The first HIV symptoms may include swollen glands in the throat, armpit, or groin. Other early HIV symptoms include slight fever, headaches, fatigue, and muscle aches. These symptoms may last for only a few weeks. Then there are usually no HIV symptoms for many years. That is why it can be hard to know if you have HIV.

How can I know if I have HIV?

You cannot know for sure if you have HIV until you get tested. About 1 out of 6 people with HIV don't know they are infected, so testing is very important.

Ayurvedic Cure

  • There is currently no cure for HIV. But there are treatments for people living with HIV.
  • If you have HIV, you can take combinations of medicines called "cocktails." The drug cocktails are designed to strengthen the immune system to keep HIV from developing into AIDS or to relieve AIDS symptoms. These drugs are often very expensive, may have serious and very uncomfortable side effects, and may not be available to everyone. They only work for some people and may only work for limited periods of time.
  • But thanks to "cocktails" for the immune system and improved therapies for the symptoms of AIDS, people are now able to live with HIV/AIDS for many years. New treatments and research may help people live even longer.

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