Best Nail Growth Tips for Long Natural Nails
March 09, 2019
Edit - This is an absolute fact that every girl wants her nails to grow rapid, healthy and strong. The Long Nails add glow and splendor to your hands. Plus, wholesome fresh, strong and healthy nail boom displays the level of your average fitness and health. So keeping your nails long, healthy and strong you need proper and best nail growth tips for long natural nails and overall skin beauty. Best Nail Growth Tips for Long Natural Nails.
Both the nail and hair are composed of same protein which is named as Keratin. It’s seen, fingernails develop quicker and growth of toenails is slower as compare to fingernails, although the increase is still very gradual. On common, fingernails noted to grow so slow, just about an average of the 1/10th inch in 30 days. But now and again they develop even slower.
Numerous elements make a contribution in slow, dull and weak nail growth. Most of these factors are encompass on the imbalance of hormone, poor diet that causes health problems, aging factors, medicines and several kinds of surgery play their role. However, faster nail increase may be visible among kids previous to pregnant girls and puberty.
Gradual or bad nail growth also can be observed through brittle nails and many other nail problems including splitting and nail breakage. So for such situation, best nail growth tips for long natural nails is very essential. Along with eating a healthy eating regimen and following proper nail care are smooth methods to maintain your nails growth at healthful pace.
So keep strong, robust, glowing and healthy long natural nails you need some easy herbal treatments.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 1
For faster nail growth and keep nail fresh, glowing and healthy its necessary to maintain moisture on your nail. Olive oil is pleasant for overall beauty care but when we talk about the Nail care it importance cross the peak of every other home remedies for Nail care and nail growth.
Olive Oil consequently enables nourishment of nails growth and make nails grow long naturally as it penetrates into skin and nails rapidly. Olive Oil is rich in Vitamin E which reduces any nails damage and the blood circulation is enhanced which boost nails growth.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 2
For healthy and long nail growth this coconut oil remedy is very effective. It boosts up the nail growth naturally as it’s full of essential nutrients. This home remedy of coconut oil is best of nail care as its cure hangnails and other nail fungal problems.
Adding honey in this warm Coconut oil will also enhance the effectiveness of this home remedy for nail growth.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 3
Orange juice, another natural home remedy which has a potential of increase nail growth rapidly. Being enrich in Vitamin C and folic acid which enhances the yielding of collagen and maintains healthy fingernails growth.
Apply some moisturizer on nails after drying it with towel or tissue paper. Repeat this home remedy on daily basis. You will start seeing the result of this remedy after one week.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 5
In line with historic Greek and roman herbalists, horsetail rich in silica, calcium and some other beneficial minerals, is considered an effective natural herb for rapid nail growth.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 6
Vitamins are essential elements that play their vital role in the rapid nails growth. One of important long nails growth vitamin is H know as biotin. This vitamin is essential for both hair growth and nails growth as well by enhance the keratin functionality. The lack of biotin in the body leads to the thin, dull and weak nails on your fingertips.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 7
Flaxseed oil enriches in fatty acids Omega-3 is effective for long nails growth. This oil is also enriched in Vitamin B, zinc, protein and in many other minerals. These elements are essential for boosting the nails growth and make them longer in short time. How to prepare this quick and best nail growth tips for long natural nails.
These 8 home remedies are best nail growth tips for long natural nails.
Both the nail and hair are composed of same protein which is named as Keratin. It’s seen, fingernails develop quicker and growth of toenails is slower as compare to fingernails, although the increase is still very gradual. On common, fingernails noted to grow so slow, just about an average of the 1/10th inch in 30 days. But now and again they develop even slower.
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Numerous elements make a contribution in slow, dull and weak nail growth. Most of these factors are encompass on the imbalance of hormone, poor diet that causes health problems, aging factors, medicines and several kinds of surgery play their role. However, faster nail increase may be visible among kids previous to pregnant girls and puberty.
Gradual or bad nail growth also can be observed through brittle nails and many other nail problems including splitting and nail breakage. So for such situation, best nail growth tips for long natural nails is very essential. Along with eating a healthy eating regimen and following proper nail care are smooth methods to maintain your nails growth at healthful pace.
So keep strong, robust, glowing and healthy long natural nails you need some easy herbal treatments.
List of some the Best Homemade remedies for nail growth are.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 1
Olive Oil for Faster Nail Growth
For faster nail growth and keep nail fresh, glowing and healthy its necessary to maintain moisture on your nail. Olive oil is pleasant for overall beauty care but when we talk about the Nail care it importance cross the peak of every other home remedies for Nail care and nail growth.Olive Oil consequently enables nourishment of nails growth and make nails grow long naturally as it penetrates into skin and nails rapidly. Olive Oil is rich in Vitamin E which reduces any nails damage and the blood circulation is enhanced which boost nails growth.
How to Use Olive Oil for Faster Nail Growth
Take one tablespoon of Olive Oil, heat it and massage your all fingernails for few minutes gently before sleeping. Then whole night covers your finger with cotton cloth or gloves.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 2
Coconut Oil for Faster Nail Growth
For healthy and long nail growth this coconut oil remedy is very effective. It boosts up the nail growth naturally as it’s full of essential nutrients. This home remedy of coconut oil is best of nail care as its cure hangnails and other nail fungal problems.How to Use Coconut Oil for Faster Nail Growth
Take one tablespoon of Coconut Oil, heat it and massage your all fingernails for few minutes gently before sleeping. Then whole night covers your finger with cotton cloth or gloves.Adding honey in this warm Coconut oil will also enhance the effectiveness of this home remedy for nail growth.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 3
Orange Juice for Faster Nail Growth
Orange juice, another natural home remedy which has a potential of increase nail growth rapidly. Being enrich in Vitamin C and folic acid which enhances the yielding of collagen and maintains healthy fingernails growth.How to Use Orange Juice for Faster Nail Growth
Take the orange and squeeze it for extracting its juice in a medium-size bowl. After squeezing Orange juice, dip your nails for 5 minutes in that juice. Now take out your finger and pat them with Towel and apply some moisturizer. If you get time to apply this home remedy as its best nail growth tips for long natural nails.Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 4
Lemons Juice for Faster Nail Growth
Being enrich in Vitamins C, lemons juice is essential for healthy long nail growth. Also, this natural ingredient has the ability to cure nail disease, especially yellow nails. This nail care ingredient gives shine and glows to your nails.How to Use Lemon Juice for Faster Nail Growth
For the preparation of this nail growth and natural long nail growth home remedy, take lemon juice one tablespoon. Put this lemon juice in olive oil three tablespoon and little warm it on fire or in the microwave. Dip your fingernails for 10-15 minutes in this natural home remedy for long nail growth. After that time, take out your nails and start rubbing a lemon slice on nails for next few minutes. Lemon induces its effectiveness and improves blood circulation in nails and enhances nail growth and your nails will start getting long.Apply some moisturizer on nails after drying it with towel or tissue paper. Repeat this home remedy on daily basis. You will start seeing the result of this remedy after one week.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 5
Horsetail for Faster Nail Growth
In line with historic Greek and roman herbalists, horsetail rich in silica, calcium and some other beneficial minerals, is considered an effective natural herb for rapid nail growth.How to Use Horsetail for Faster Nail Growth
Take two cups of boiled water in a bowl and add the dried stem of horsetail around 2 tablespoons. Cowl the Boiling pane and for 15 minutes let it steep deeply. Remove the cover and let it cool down, and now dip nails in it for 25 minutes. Repeat this remedy after one day soon will get its result in terms of long nails. Drinking horsetail herb tea is enhance the nails growth hormone.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 6
Biotin for Faster Nail Growth
Vitamins are essential elements that play their vital role in the rapid nails growth. One of important long nails growth vitamin is H know as biotin. This vitamin is essential for both hair growth and nails growth as well by enhance the keratin functionality. The lack of biotin in the body leads to the thin, dull and weak nails on your fingertips.How to Get Biotin for Faster Nail Growth
As biotin is a vitamin, so you needed to find the foods that are rich in biotin. Most probably, all kinds of grains, tomatoes, eggs, almonds, milk, cucumber, walnuts, Oats, strawberries, eggs, soybeans, and eggs are rich in biotin. Make these foods part of your daily diets.
Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 7
Flaxseed Oil for Faster Nail Growth
Flaxseed oil enriches in fatty acids Omega-3 is effective for long nails growth. This oil is also enriched in Vitamin B, zinc, protein and in many other minerals. These elements are essential for boosting the nails growth and make them longer in short time. How to prepare this quick and best nail growth tips for long natural nails.How to use Flaxseed Oil for Nails Growth
For this home remedy for nails growth, take tablespoon oil and give massage to your nails with this oil. Try to take its massage before going to bed and do not forget to wear a glove after a massage. If wearing gloves is irritating then washout it and keep repeating flaxseed oil massage twice a day.Home Remedy for Long Natural Nail Growth 8
Tomatoes for Faster Nail Growth
Tomatoes comprise of an excessive amount of biotin. As discuss biotin earlier that’s it enhances the nail growth and gives shiny and a thicker. Tomatoes are also rich in Vitamin C and A.How to use Tomatoes for Nails Growth
Take few tomatoes and squeeze their juice. Get half cup of juice and put Olive Oil 2 tablespoon in it. Mix them well and dip nails in that compound for 10 minutes.These 8 home remedies are best nail growth tips for long natural nails.